Winch's Pygmygoby - ROMI041477


Winch's Pygmygoby

Place Collected
British Indian Ocean Territory, Chagos Archipelago, Salomon Atoll, Isle Poule, Salomon Atoll, Indian Ocean, Off Isle Poule, just north of the east tip of Isle Boddam on drop-off, -5.36333333333333, 72.2280555555556
    • Attributes
    • Objects
    • Taxonomy
    • KingdomAnimalia
    • PhylumChordata
    • ClassActinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
    • OrderGobiiformes
    • FamilyGobiidae
    • GenusTrimma
    • SpecificEpithetwinchi
Type Status:
Object number: ROMI041477
Not on view
DescriptionTrimma winchi can be found in the waters from the Chagos Archipelago east to the Ryukyus and the island of New Britain. Less than 2 cms in length, it is an uncommon fish within this wide distribution area. The two specimens on which the description of the species was based were collected in deep caves at a depth of 33-43 m on the oceanic drop-off of a rich coral reef. Nothing is known of the ecology or behaviour of this species. Its bright yellow colouration with a black band at the base of the dorsal fin, together with 14-15 rays in the pectoral fin, immediately distinguish this species from all others in the genus. It was named for Peter Winch, the captain and owner of the ketch Paille-en-Queue II (a two-masted sailing vessel). He spent nine months ferrying equipment, supplies and expedition members around the Chagos Archipelago with unfailing hospitality and good humour during the 1979 Joint Services Chagos Research Expedition.
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