Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) - ROM2022_18665_1


Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta)

(not assigned)
Locality unknown
    • Attributes
    • Objects
    • Taxonomy
    • KingdomAnimalia
    • PhylumChordata
    • ClassReptilia
    • OrderTestudines
    • FamilyEmydidae
    • GenusChrysemys
    • SpecificEpithetpicta
Object number: ROMH23491
Not on view
DescriptionThis species has the largest range of any North American turtle species. It is the only North American species in which newly hatched turtles remain in the nest over winter; this adaptation enables painted turtles to extend their range further north than any other turtle species. It occurs in all provinces except Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island. There is considerable variation in shell morphology and plastron pattern across the species’ range.
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